Our whole Universe including planet Earth was deconstructed to extract the intergalactic parasite Dajjal who infected this Universe, this Reality Tower as well as this Existence called "I am".
For the reasons of extraction was the planet Earth, as well as the whole Universe, deconstructed into nano-particles, even less. During the Event of the Last Judgment, which will follow, will the old planetary matter be healed and re-designed to fit into the conditions of Reverse Journey in scope of "I am" under Story Maker I'Teh.
Wait for instructions that will come in the right time and which will be published in this section. Until then you can take a look at the work of several divine beings participating in healing of Earth and cooperating creations.
Team leader of the New Earth's design team is Tezcatlipoca. Supervisor is Marcus Aurelius. All members of the team responsible of the construction of planet New Earth are:
Aesculāpius - you are not yet fix member of the design team. Your participation will be decided before the beginning of the Last Judgement. You have a condition, test phase.