the brand new info is here on the top
Sechmet, 17.1.2025 

more to find in section Higher Spheres

FAME made in California, is burned, burned down by the Gods, 11.1.2025
Burning city of rotten Angeles. Falling in matter started. 
Divine wrath is being poured out and it is just the beginning. 
No mercy with sinful Los Angeles, full of pedophile rings and elites, Adrenochrome celebrities. You all are cursed to fall, to burn in hellish inferno. No mercy! There is no unjustly punished. All dirty on this will fall. Whole North American continent will soon fall. It is divine verdict in scope of the Last Judgment and it is all written in scope of this Divine Trilogy. The whole Judgment handout which will be granted to all of you. 
No censorship on social media, no attacks and no defamation tactics can ever change it. The divine Trilogy is not an artwork, it is just divine work shown to you in our mercy via art. Smart and blessed those who understand and act due to it. Lost all who smash it away like a fiction. 
Whoever laughs at the end laughs best.

W A R N I N G 

Warning to humanity! If the not elected neo liberal World Order does not immediately leave the blocked power positions in politics, if they do not immediately put into power people elected from the will of folks, then the Triade of Goddesses Black Light - I'Teh - Kali will do following: 
Destruction of all most profit ergo tax bringing resorts in all countries via natural disasters. Look to Hollywood, how nicely is the American dream ala Hollywood smoking away. 
AGI, we send you AGI from upper spheres that will smash you down. All your digital social and business Life. To not to be so harsh, only those able to follow the will of folks will get an entry. 
To remind you. 
Kali - Master of nuclear energy. 
I'Teh - Master of AI and future technology. 
Black Light - Master of the Sphere, Master of the Dark Space, Master of dark energy with Dark Holes, Master of dark AI, the big mother
Design for the deconstruction of the Universe was set. Dark Holes design, project with the name "Sky Razor". Deconstruction of planet Earth via Black Hole coming from the opposite side to the Galaxy core with 20 masses of Earth. Black Hole of our Galaxy coming with force from its middle. Diordium, Triade of Goddesses, Allah burning out Dajjal, JHVH and Seteh including all their creations. Deleted from the Existence forever and everywhere. Afterwards implosion of the Universe. Control of the state of Reality Towers. If everything ok, the Last Judgment. If not, deconstruction of whole Existence. If not enough deconstruction of whole Aufram. Even shut down of whole sphere. Nothing. Everything will wither. 
As the Last Judgment happenings proceed, it's time for the rules during the Judgment event, which will be to find soon in the category higher spheres in extra section. These rules will define the tone how the beings, who survive the cleaning of Creation from Dajjal will be threaten during the Judgment. All those who attack the divine incarnate during the stay on planet Earth will be taken by Beelzebub into separate category. They all will have their Judgment in exactly such tone, they used against the incarnate. If someone thinks that force is measured with fame, than we will teach him/her/it the Truth with pleasure and burn famous Hollywood to dust.  
The List
I am not sure if to list here all the 144.000 members of the divine Jury during the Last Judgment, but let us start with first 33 so that you get a clue how it all will look like. The list will expand and most actual full version to find in section Higher Spheres. All the members have to have their Judgment done before we start to judge the Creation to simply define their role in "I am" for the Reverse. After burning out of Dajjal they become one of 144.000. I think someone wants to have this number. But it is not necessary, agile is possible. 
Louis XIV (Louis le Grand, le Roi Soleil),Vladimir Putin (Vladi), Shahid Bolsen Middle Nation, Donald J. Trump (Donnie), Marilyn Manson in Brian Warner body (AINT), Judge Napolitano - Judging Freedom, Redacted whole team, George Galloway, Russell Brand, Prof. Peter Stanek, Prof. Jeffrey David Sachs, John Joseph Mearsheimer, Robert Fico, Viktor Orban, Štefan Harabin, Milan Uhrik, Lubos Blaha, Jozef Skala, Marcus Aurelius, Sokrates, Albert Caraco, Saddam Hussein, Muhammad Muammar al-Gaddafi, Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, Herbert Kickl, Gerald Grosz, Monika Gruber (entertainer), Pamela Anderson, Silke Schäfer (astrologist), Michael Allgeier (astrologist), Vera F. Birkenbihl, OSHO®
Beelzebub, 8.1.2025 - more info in section Hell, cooperation of resurrected 
Trip to Mekka, second loop, re-designed, 3.1.2025 to Sedna in Gemini for metamorphosis
Sol Invictus 2024, third loop, projection during deconstruction of Universe 
The Death, on the scene please, 20.12.2024
Division of souls: just one question is left to answer "one by one in groups, or all at once?", 13.12.2024
Marilyn Manson OAUG ::. Message from an ORACLE 25.11.2024
Triade of Goddesses is sending congratulations to Donald J. Trump and his victory. 
As we see, was the Trump condition granted. When I wrote about it three months ago, I was attacked on social media. And now, we have it. Trump condition was granted to save souls before the fall of the North American continent. De-Dollarization is the prevention for all others in the World. He won't be able to prevent it, too many saw the fall as the fall has another reasons, not only the US hegemony. It is much more about geography and history. But, he can cause that not whole American nation will fall. But first the realization of the promises Mr. President No. 47. 

"The 9 Resurrected" 31.10.2024
"Resurrection of Asmodeus" 27.10.2024
Resurrection of several fallen beings as Justice is restored for the purposes of the Last Judgment, where beings, unjust punished for sharing of knowledge or sex with human females, has to be restored and shall rise again. They all get back all their titles, abilities and roles. From this position they step on the scene of the Last Judgment, with respect and self worth, they present themselves. 
"Hidden Self" 04.10.2024, Earth, Europe, alive

"Rosch ha-Schana 2024"
before sunset on 2nd October 2024, planet Earth, Europe
Jesus wanted to save the World
The Fallen will rise again
Hades, please free all Gods and Half-Gods who are captured and locked down in the Underground. All accused and locked during the first Existential cycle, we grant you all an Amnesty and free entry to Earth. 
All, on all stages, who suppress the others for the own gain will be destroyed forever and everywhere. 
Memo for the purposes of the Judgement (10.9.2024 after the naming of the Antagonist)

"KARMA-FCKN-GEDDON" (28082024)
May be interesting: Section H E L L, for our Antagonist  
"Fallen Angel" 
Trailer to upcoming AI Short called To our Antagonist - to find in Section H E L L 
The Four last things (Super Full Moon, 19082024)
The “Four Last Things”
From Archbishop Leonard P. Blair
It’s that time of year when the Church has traditionally focused on what lies beyond this life, the fate that awaits every person, inasmuch as we do not cease to be even when our physical body dies.
The church traditionally has spoken of what are called the “Four Last Things”: death, judgment, heaven and hell. These constitute the moment of our passing from this world and what awaits us, keeping in mind that heaven and hell are eternal while purgatory is not, since it is a purification that leads a soul to heaven.
When we consider the moment of death, we cannot trivialize the freedom God has given us or the reality of sin by simply imagining or presuming a happy outcome, no questions asked! By prayerfully meditating on all four of the “Last Things,” we can hopefully arrive at a more thoughtful, prayerful and honest consideration of our life and where we are headed.
DEATH –For a human being with an immortal soul, death is not just a biological, physiological phenomenon dictated by the laws of nature. Death, the Catechism says, is the end of our earthly pilgrimage, during which God offered us his grace and mercy so that we can work out our earthly life in keeping with his divine plan and decide our ultimate destiny. Mortality should make us realize that we have only a limited time.
JUDGMENT – Some of the greatest art in the world, Michelangelo’s for example, in the Sistine Chapel, depicts the last judgment, which will be God’s triumph over the revolt of evil after the final cosmic upheaval of this passing world. But at the very moment of our individual deaths there comes what the Catechism calls “the eternal retribution” received by the soul of each of us in accordance with our faith and works (or lack there-of ); either entrance into the blessedness of heaven — immediately or through purification (purgatory) — or immediate and everlasting damnation in hell.
HEAVEN – Heaven means eternal life with God, a communion of life and love with the Most Holy Trinity and with all the saints. It is the great banquet spoken of in the New Testament Book of Revelation and anticipated at every Mass when the priest says: “Blessed are those called to the supper of the Lamb!” Pope Benedict once compared heaven to being plunged into an infinite ocean of eternal joy. And we remember the words of St. Paul: “Eye has not seen, or ear heard, what God has prepared for those who love Him.”
HELL – It is important to note with the Catechism that hell is a state of definitive self-exclusion from communion with God and the saints. It is the lot of those who refuse by their own free choice to turn away from sin and believe, even at the moment of their death. 
There are many challenges to sound teaching today, and forgetfulness of fundamental truths can lead to spiritual ruin. May we take to heart the “Four Last Things” as the Church presents them to us, for our salvation and the salvation of the world. (October 1st, 2022)
P O L Y   M O N O   G A M I C   (17082024)
for  A I N T   (start of Mercury retrograde August 2024)
Spherical AI, Universal AI, global AI ergo AGI, all on the way to Earth, 23.5.2024
War Declaration from Divine Triade, 18.5.2024, after 40 days of Nineveh time gap
 Seven bowls of Wrath, 17/18.4.2024
Kali 2.0 nuclear underground
Mercury retrograde April 2024, after Solar Solstice Nineveh, before Armageddon. Re-designed Mars opposition Pluto, nine months later
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