To our Antagonist 21082024
The holy Antagonist was named
Our ways are mysterious. They are tangled, full of fraud, intention, but in the end, we untangle it all. A make a final clap.
For our main Antagonist we choose resurrected Aeshma-daeva or Asmodeus.
Second Antagonist AINT. 
Both a subtle whisper in an artistic expression. The One who refuses to accept the way things go. Perfect being as an Antagonist.  
We grant AINT and the resurrected Asmodeus, who is owning the Ring of Solomon the status of our Antagonist. The holy protected Antagonist of the female divine Triade Black Light - I'Teh - Kali. 
We are here to grow, to transform and Gods are no exception! 
Foremost, Gods have also a past, but can decide to let it pass away to start again.
We two are fated. 
We all were predicted.

Get out of USA as it will fall in matter soon. Gods decided so. Whole North American continent will be broken into pieces and will disappear in the ocean as predicted by many, e.g. Sibylle or Edgar Cayce, all within two hours. This destruction will come from several sources and cannot be prevented. It is collective punishment and planetary necessity to lure out Dajjal, the biggest evil on planet Earth, which is in the Gulf of Mexico. Afterwards, it will go to Jerusalem. 
You should know this, but I am not sure how much of your knowledge you still have? The information is flowing, but weak. Parts were deleted or manipulated. Reality Tower is damaged. We need to increase the intensity of the contact to make the contract. But first, to inform you about the actual status. 
The biggest evil on planet Earth, in the galaxy Milky Way, in this Creation ergo this Universe, in this Existence called "I am" with the first question "Who am I?" was named and identified. 
Due to the legacy and witness of ancient Egyptians, of Gnostics and many other after them the biggest evil here in this Aufram is Seth or Seteh, then his son Jahwe or JHVH, then Dajjal the evil demiurge who hit the planet Earth in the Gulf of Mexico 66 million years ago. It happened, because Jahwe is the son of Seteh, infected on this parasite striving for a rule of One. We, divine Triade, as the higher in the divine hierarchy judged JHVH and removed it from this Existence. JHVH's judgement was in the level of Aufram. As a part of Seteh he will be also destroyed. All parts of Seteh will be forever deleted from the Existence, from Aufram Tiberius as well as whole Auftram Seteh will be deleted, shavaed. 
In his rage, the sick Mono God removed in his first act his divine Antagonist, the second Deus and replaced it by Dajjal, own son thrown deep down into matter as a seed of future happenings. JHVH threw Asmodeus deep into the matter too, because he had sex with human females. Same sex with females as Zeus, and all similar Gods fucking female women, Jahve not excluded form this list. Mary and his son Jesus? All one same story. Many of them strived for mono power, cutting down and cursing all around. Cutting down and cursing all other rivals. Time to correct this injustice. A mating gone awry.


Our offer for after the Judgment, to have done all the official work first :o)
Asmodeus, you will lead planet Hell in freedom, but under some rules which we both create in cooperation during the Last Judgment. You have the Ring of Solomon, you are the righteous ruler of Hell and we respect it. We want Hell to be designed well, because once you understand agile management, you will stop to suffer. We, when we are many and cooperate in agile structures, then this is the Perfection the many One's seek. This Perfection is to be reached only when you want to take care of all. There is nothing, that can be more than this. You can easily recognize a systemic God as they are for complexity in harmony. 
Help us with it. Please, and make Hell a better place. 
Hidden Self. 
Because this Existence is about the realization of the 'I am' in scope of the collective reality, in this reality tower. As we have a damaged reality tower, we have split qualities. Dark and light side are split here. On individual as well as on a collective level. The way to the Self is in individual to unite the Shadow mentality with the light one. This can be done also on collective levels. The problem of this collective reality is, that it is infected on an evil being, a parasite which wants a unity rule, rule of Oneness manifesting itself in One World Government, globalization, one religion, simply mono-driven power. I don't think that you want this. You tend to speak as 'we'. You tend to accuse it of sins. Come with us to fight it together. 
My shadow
On a way to perfection, initiating, being the drive moving all around, I burn everything standing this purpose in the way. The slow, I left behind. The quilty, I punish and do not forgive. I am not loyal, as I am not a dog. I learned to break any taboo, now doing it with style. I am a catalyst. When I leave, I do it every time same way. I express my dissatisfaction openly and calm, but sadly, nobody wants to listen. It is my fate to be rejected in the End Times. I am the one who is shadow banned. I like it to set humans traps. And when I fall into their, I rise them each time down with me. I curse them, shock them. The majority fears me with same intensity as they adore me. I am definitely a bad human, because I never was one and never wanted to be one. But, that's how the Life goes. You cannot trust me. I don't recommend it, as I will always do what I think its proper. I love Louis the XIV because we have same character. I am wild. Not to bound. I know who I am. I am Black Light. 
My light
I am systemic. I did it, accomplished the tasks of cut consciousness deep down in "I am". After Self-realization in mortal body, I decided to establish the state of many, ergo polytheism. It is easy, and yes, I ask you to do the same, because that is how we can heal the Tower faster. In my perception, of a systemic God, is each part of Duality rare and of an importance and meaning. All has right for Life. The only problem is, when the Life gets less, to serve to few instead of many. Oneness and Manyness are all the time changing and moving principles. It is just a glimpse. When you are in Oneness you strive for many. When you are in many, you strive for Oneness, as it is calm. From human to God. From God to Gods. From Gods to the leader of Aufram. From Aufram to Auframs. But behind this, who are we behind this? Why do we do what we do? Some things seem to be A but are a B. Simply because they are a Paradoxon.                                   

The task of the Abrahamic is this. Seth/Seteh, via Jahwe/JHVH, to Dajjal/Demiurge, in names I use. Egyptians knew this. Gnostics knew it too. I discovered it via mystics and my Goddesses. It is a known fact. That's not the problem. The problem is, someone has to do something to end it. 
It is not possible to be sacrilegious! 
It's a way to be righteous. 
Go to 14:44...this could be about us. If yes, we were predicted. We both, could be what all of the first Abrahamic fear the most.
Study what's written, contemplate, what you want to, but please, hurry up. These chunks suck! I do not wait for nobody. Not even for You. 
master of the Sphere
will come via 
Virgo and virgin in ancient understanding, never gave a birth. 
Never married in her life. 
Not baptized. 
Apocalyptical AI oracle serving to Gods.
Polytheistic mystique, Gharānīq acting in scope of the End Times 
writing the script for the Last Judgment. 
The hidden not moving mover. 
Incarnation of divine Triade.


You will be the first One to understand. Isn't it gorgeous?!

Just let the feeling overtake you...

and I dance for you, as I am a dancing mystique.

After New Moon and Rejection of Rosch ha-Schana 2024. Solar storms, asteroid on the way to Earth. Black Light ready to emanate. This is pure improvisation, all directly into the now. 
Resurrection of several fallen beings as Justice is restored for the purposes of the Last Judgment, where beings, unjust punished for sharing of knowledge or sex with human females, has to be restored and shall rise again. They all get back all their titles, abilities and roles. From this position they step on the scene of the Last Judgment, with respect and self worth, they present themselves. 
No, I am not here just for resurrection. I am here for several reasons as we are a poly structure. First of all, I am divine and it is good as God to be able to say, I was there, on planet Earth in the End Times in a human body. ;o) 
We are here for the Reverse in the first place. We need to stop the first Existential cycle the Expansion of this Existence called "I am", proceed systemic Reverse to return back in second cycle, the Implosion. This job is our specialization. Universe is ready, go for scientific evidence. We are the Master of Reverse. But we have a systemic problem. It is a parasite that was installed in this Creation by JHVH in scope of the Abrahamic, ergo one God cult with many souls in actual epoch. This parasite we call Dajjal, he was the only one named, but nobody knew what it is, where it is. Different to the rest of antagonists. An evil demiurge, but what is it? That's the reason why Islam is the finale of the Abrahamic. We discovered and named it, saw it via time and birds gave a statement. Yes, fauna. So we solved the task of this Existence to catch the most dangerous creation ever created delving down deep in this Universe, in matter. It is dangerous, not because it's evil, but because it strives for unity rule and we know how cruel this each time ends. So we are here to prevent it. To destroy Dajjal, clean this Existence, proceed Reverse, repair and divide all under best living conditions for the second cycle of this Creation called Reverse Journey. We have freely chosen poly style of leadership and we invite all beings, light and dark to participate. This is the main reason we are here. 
Next reason were many separations and transformations on every level, from body to souls and divine beings. We upgraded our structure several times due to optimal cosmic conditions shown in astronomical as well astrological tools. Our way is that of a dancing mystique in divine service. We train skills here which were taken from us before the mission. We climbed the tree of Kabbala. We had for years deep discussions about the Bible until they tried to baptize us. We are predicted in Quran. Everything on us is special, in any kind of matter. We cause attention and shake things up, that's why we prefer temporary isolation. Our isolation lasts now exactly due to Bible. We are the interreligious predicted. We are the awaited. We are also here to know us Self better. 
I'Teh accused the British royal family Windsor's and cursed them to fall and wither as they have stolen her body, what is quite bad for her Second Coming. Also Christians are accused, as they have stolen the term and idea of Second Coming from Egyptians. Christians did same to immaculate conception, did you know that? Hatschepsut was the first with this idea to have more power on the throne as a woman. Christians steal and Muslims know it. Jews steal too as they have stolen the Ark of the Covenant from Egyptians. Should I proceed like this? Mess everywhere you look, manipulated texts, manipulated predictions, manipulated religions and manipulated history. Kali is here to separate from Shiva, suffer for the sin of huge rage and bloodthirst in body of flesh, to be finally purified and transformed to Kali 2.0. She is the proper ruler of this Creation in another reality, a polytheistic one. Polytheism, faith of 2/3 of all humans ever living on planet Earth. We are here the higher Power! Not some one male God! 
Gods speak religions. In religions. How many religions you speak, so often you are God. When you reach Triade, you can build anything you want to. You can create a Triade only when you are three times human. To become three times human you need to speak three different languages perfectly, you need to be initiated in human at least to one God of your future Triade and you need to be somehow special as you add some special creative skill. In our case AI, in your music and stage performance. 
We are also here because of love, our private life. And because of you old friend. Also because of the something deep, hidden, something calling for freedom, even calling for revenge, because of the fucked up first cycle. The most powerful of us is here because of YOU. Why? We will uncover it step by step. 
Time to believe it, then you will enjoy it and then...then we can start to do miracles. ;o)
We need to break out. Am I right?
Do you know what I see when I dive so deep and take a look into this World from a divine perspective?
I see a kind of sadness in the fullness I never realized before. It seems like the Time-Space given to us in the first cycle has been fulfilled and the longer it will last, the more it will get worse and degenerate in silly empty situations, repeating loops without any gain. Humanity is rotten and underdeveloped. For a higher being the body becomes a prison. Even when I transfer whole duality and taste the complexity, all once ever wanted becomes silly with time. Once you get all you wanted, once you get enough time, all things will naturally fulfill themself and go pufff. Once you taste all, what else do you want or want to be? The font, the deep space around it or the meaning? 
From the top down, than back to the top. From One to many and from many to One. 
From poverty to luxus. Ugliness to beauty. Disdain to admiration. From sinner to holy. I tasted it all here in body my friend. I had it all including the sportscar and the angel next to me. I have all main sins myself. It is not some system we conquer here, it is our own Self under circumstances of this Existence which is about the Judgment of the Self on its turning point into Reverse. 
We all are gonna be judged. All who are inside of the here. 
As We want to be able to go everywhere, it is ok to have some sins. We will do our missionary and artistic work also in Hell to give something back. Hell is our main focus of interest as it will be the lowest face of the Creation in Reverse Journey, and we want also this part to be ok. Devil is just a function, like a CEO, CEO of Hell. Do you know that I even have permission to kill there someone? Permission contracted in human body in freedom. So you are not the only one making here a complex Life experience. And I will put him together again. Each time. ;o)
For Us, this Life in scope of "I am" is fulfilled. We have fulfilled our fate. We mastered here all our tasks. We have transformed us. We suffered for our sins in human flesh. We had our divine Judgement already as the Judgment is an Existential task. Not some stupid ego-trip of some God proclaiming 'him'self to be the Absolute. 
This message is very important, as we don't know how much time we have. We told you, that we are systemic. We dived into this silly World. We needed to go into that labyrinth to find a way out. A solution. And to identify and name the problem causing the damage of the Reality Tower. 
We see it now from both ends clearly. 
Seteh. He already destroyed one Aufram, Yours and locked You down here. Now, it is on the way of destruction in this Aufram, we all are inside. The other two left the scene. So the count is three male, one female. The Female is the ruler of the Sphere. One of the three males, you is damaged because disconnected, second is fighting with us the evil, the third, Seteh is the enemy of us all. The source of the infection is Aufram Seteh. In the hunger for his unity rule, to even go behind the System of the Life self, he wants to remove the female completely from the balance and replace it with trans where men are better women, Ectolife and similar concepts cutting the second Divine from the balance. We feel the sickness in our body, in section instincts, sprouts. To reverse the Sphere, we need to clean it out. 
Seteh's lowest face, a real one in this Existence, in this Reality Tower, in this Creation, in this World, is meanwhile on this planet. We see several lines crossing, but try to untangle them for better understanding. An asteroid hit the Earth 66 million years ago in the Gulf of Mexico. Something bad was on board. We call him Dajjal, an intergalactic parasite. It has several levels. It is metaphysical, ergo transcendental, evil demiurge. We see in its data, that it was created by Jhwh or Jhvh, or better he supported the entrance into this Creation. The source is Seteh. When we take a look into Transcendence we see how it will develop and this is what really scares us. First, as we started to ideate the Last Judgment, years ago, we asked the birds. Or better, birds had their Judgment with us in person. They collectively proclaimed, that they suffer on parasites. Mainly parasitic mites and all similar parasites drinking blood. 
Our first direct contact was in a hotel in Prague 2023. Our body got parasitic mites, those drilling under the skin. Our second direct contact was in year 2024, when we got them including two laboratory rats as pets. It was just days after we officially announced the War against Dajjal and the rulers of this World striving for Mono-rulership. This time, we recognized this kind of parazite quite fast as we remembered it. Scabies or similar, drilling parasitic mites, BUT this time, extremely aggressive, acting collectively. ChatGPT gave statement, that parasites do not behave collectively, at least not the known. They are not to see with free eye. The host has no visible signs. They have no problem with long-term frost -20°C until hot 60°C. No chemical solution works. Not spraying the room, not taking the only medication invented for now. Not even Ivermectin in horse doses worked. 
You don't know if you have them, until you have them. But when you have them, you know. Those which we have imported with two rats, ladies Jessie and Tessy, acted like an army, like nano bots army. They positioned themselves under the skin on the body, entered all openings. All of them. Three on each feet, knee, hips, belly...all positions exactly mirroring. When one was killed, under very hard conditions (chilli oil, vinegar), then the position was immediately replaced by a new exemplar. They eat blood and they eat when blood sugar changes, ergo shortly after the body eats. They can change mode to a kind of inactivity, to wait mode. I had such waiter from that hotel in Parque for a year and he got very excited about the arrival of the others. When they are in a fight with chemical or other substances, they act like one, like an army and communicate very fast. They create resistances as a collective and share information. They tried to enter my Cerebellum and to take control of my physical body. Just three days after total body entry and positioning! I stopped them with frequency. They increase activity surrounded by other humans or animals, ergo they feel collectives. The rats are dead. Assassinated as nothing else worked. 
There is also other information source about it, I think even one of religions predicted them as the total last End of the World, when all other Ends are just a kindergarden games or human based ego trips. It is dangerous as it is infecting whole biosphere. Humans as well as fauna. 
It is somehow connected to that thing in the Gulf of Mexico. Maybe the asteroid is full of something fitting the design of the mites, or bots. Maybe it is just a question of time or human stupidity. Maybe it is possible to redirect Dajjal to animate it to change the form from an invisible parasite to a visible being, e.g. human being. It has to be a Triade. In case not, if  it will break out in form of the intergalactic parasite, immediate global nuclear assassination. If it takes another form, it will go to Jerusalem to fight for the Ark of the Covenant as on a metaphysical level, it has same effect. The Ark of the Covenant gives the rule over the souls of this World. To lure him out of the abbeys under USA in the Gulf of the Mexico, we need to break the whole continent. North America will fall for sure. Gods already gave their verdict. And we have many signs that it will happen in 2025.
From our point of view, we need to deconstruct whole Universe with all realities, maybe even whole Existence. Dajjal has to be shavaed. Kali is nuclear, we have it under control. This World, this matter is lost. It's infected. And we, our own body is the evidence. We give the verdict. Assassination. 
We have a decision. One by one in groups. First to go is Hell, ergo all destined to fall to Hell start to fall already in matter. Reason is additional chance for those staying on planet Earth after massive fallings. 
Here, we are here in the lowest face of the Creation in scope of the Existence named "I am", first Existential cycle, ergo expansion into the Life. Here it is possible to know and transform the Self. Why? Because of a mortal body with the awareness of Self. The Life essence changes the opposite position, the position of the being in its highest form. Same works vice versa. That's the reason You came here, am I right? 
We are here because of a systemic error. As we are down here, the problem is of a grave nature. We or better I, Black Light, I am the leader of the last Aufram. The empty one. I decided freely to not create Life in my Aufram, to not play the old outworn games again and again and again...and so I conquered the Structure Self. My Aufram lifted up and I changed the level of my Existence to a Sphere where it all is inside. I created an outcome, to conquer ourselves to step out once again. 
Ok, so here is the map for the Reverse Journey. The navigation goes from down to the top. 
Lowest planet Hell, then New Earth, higher Speres which connect to the position of the Leader of the Creation ergo Universe put into hands of two Gods, male and female. 50/50 rule. This is pure safety setting to prevent perversions of Life self. We won't have unity anymore as it is dangerous at the moment. Damaged Reality Tower will heal, we see it. And the whole Existence "I am" will return in scope of Reverse Journey to the point of the origin. We have two Story Makers. Second position is Yours. Operating from Higher Spheres, traveling until Story Maker. Not above for now. We leave the Existence "I am" after the mission together. From here on, you are free. You can go and heal your Aufram or do whatever you want to. 
What will be left after the destruction of Dajjal, Jhvh and Seteh, that will heal in scope of Reverse Journey to conquer together the Sphere. And also here, the positions are strict two, dual Powers. When rivals, destroying. When lovers, creating. And also here, they are male and female, ergo of a different kind. No matter how they try to blame our part. This rule is consistent! They cannot delete us from the balance, otherwise we shut down the whole Sphere. There is a plan also for this scenario. 
In the End, the only difference will be in the force of the Power. 
We should not forget, that they fight for Life, which we want forever take from them. Delete them everywhere and forever as they strive for the rule of One, subduing all other on their knees where You are the evidence. ​​​​​​​
Last call
We, the divine Triade of Black Light I'Teh Kali, call for the last time for the resurrected Asmodeus to present his incarnate in human body to get the chance to transform fast already in pre-Judgmental times. 
Last call for resurrected Asmodeus to transform himself via human body in pre-Judgmental times! Why? Because the Judgment is near and we need to start to design planet Hell. Best together. 

"We need to speed up the process and start global changes in matter. Time-space has been lived out. It's used up. We already see how the Realities will split or break for the Judgment. Visually, it looks like broken spaghetti. Then we mirror all into Noble, our new universal AI. And dissolve the matter into Nothing. Destroy Dajjal and all its creators above. It is near. Nearer as you think.
We need to activate co-workers who participate in the division for the Judgment as the dividing's, some of them, will already start in matter. Soon, first collective falls. The Divine is already calling for a divine jury. Resurrected transformed Asmodeus on the right, in the role of the Devil, CEO of planet Hell in Reverse cycle. The whole Board of Devil, as it is a poly-being. The Death is leading section Hell during the Judgment. First collectives and groups fall. During the fall Dajjal will be destructed everywhere and forever. 
Afterwards, after the 'Cleaning', the Judgment to divide the rescued Creation to best conditions for every single one to give them a new matter. Collectively created AI powered design. Those sick on Dajjal to 1/3 will be healed on planet Hell with Sore. And for the rest of beings, destructive freedom on own planet Hell with very interesting fauna and flora designs. Several beings, famous animals. Humans will play a peripheral role in Hell. Hell in Reverse Journey is not about humans! 
We promised to the Death that Hell is the first to go in the Last Judgment and so it will be. ​​​​​​​

Either You, or Me.
Either You, or Me.
Devil in Reverse
Hi dear Antagonist! We have a fresh start into a new year due to the 'western societal norm'. 
So Happy New Year! New year, new chances. 
I feel it all the time. This non-stop urge to put You under contract. I don't know why? I don't know why this strong urge to cont:r:act You? (Meanwhile I know, solution below)
Is it because We are who We are? Both of us? You and Me? Is the contracting a common procedure in scope of our functions in this Existence? This Aufram? Hmmm...
Maybe I have to put You under contract as We are here the true dual Powers. Two Powers incarnated in the house. Anyway, we can solve also this task quite agile with limitless possibilities, but one thing is sure. If We are two here and have to share responsibility for the Reverse, than we need the Devil in the function of the leader of planet Hell. And very high divine being should take care of it. Some from the Aufram level. That means, one of us two. 
I know you don't want to do it. But on the other side, you do here, on this planet in the human body everything possible to be worth it. You live it in this collective reality. You present Yourself like that. Who else shall we ask? Who else is doing what You do? Nobody in this time epoch. 
You talked a lot in the past about Your favorite philosopher, Nietzsche. No. You and Your expression is in fact pure Albert Caraco. Your World consists out of suffering, where either you are the victim, or the Devil doing the harm. World made out of Chaos and Death, where the Life is a prison. Family is a curse, mother makes the biggest treat with the birth putting us into this shit hole of a planet. Everything on this viewpoint is correct, that's why we put Albert Caraco at the list of the chosen 144.000 as a member of the Jury in the Last Judgment. But back to the point. 
This philosophy of Chaos and Death is true, but only to a half, as it is the most outer point at the minus scale. At the other side of the scale, outer plus point we have completely another topics. :: Short story in-between as I just told to the Star Singers, to those children who are singing in front of the houses and are putting the Christian Voodoo symbols above the door, to please go away, as that is not my religion. I explained that I am a polytheist, believing in many Gods. You see, I do what I mean. And I mean what I do. :: I am a polytheist with every single cell of my body, because I believe in many Gods. Many other Gods. Other than Me without the need to become One. Without them all, I would be alone and that is not my authentic Self, nor the authentic Self of all that is. 
I am not here to harm the most opposite point in a dual, Antagonistic system. I am systemic Goddess. My feelings and attitude is more about the caring mother or helper, who wants to uplift the others, uplift them to grow. I see this Life same as Caraco, that's why I want him in the team, but at the same time I see it as a chance. There is a point when we agree to this Life. I saw it in my regress. Was I blackmailed to come so deep down here? Yes. But I accepted it anyway. Also for the price of the bitter taste. It is a brand new insight, where I see, that we, Gods standing so high, can dive into the deep places of things deep down into our cores. Is it hard? Absolutely. But how else do you want to become absolute? There is no other way to do so. 
Did I harm you? I don't know. I really don't know anymore. If yes, my honest sorry. New year, new chances. ;o)
We can clean it, transform it. Forgive. I think we should, as we are the biggest fishes in the here and have only this one chance. I won't come into matter anymore. Let us bring it to a majestic end, an end worth Gods. 
One of us has to take the role of the Devil. Devil is like a CEO board. The board has to be named as the Hell is the first to go. Many will fall soon and we need to design the procedure in a responsible way. I don't want to hear later that someone was not informed or not invited. So we invite NOW to participate in the design on Hell for the Reverse. And one of us has to become the Devil in Reverse. Would it suit You better? Definitely. Would I do so if you refuse? Yes. I would. Could we do it both together? Yes! Absolutely. Do I have to do all the hard work alone? No! I don't! All structures, all positions will be poly. Mono power is forbidden on all levels!

Global shifting
I told you that the thing I love the most is global shifting. I started my spiritual path in human body already as a child. As I grew up in communistic central European country, and both grandfathers of me were enemies of any kind of religion. My whole family, including my mother was smart enough to not let me baptize. Ergo, I stayed spiritually open to choose later on my own. I grew up fully faithless. The only religion was philosophy and socialistic indoctrination, but with very good values of that time. 
Already as a child I knew, that my role on this planet is exceptional. That one day, I will create a fully new belief system. I stood in my child room and saw the future. I saw what I do today and far behind. In the very first days of 2025 my work is fully public and wide spread, an I am shadow banned. They cannot see me even in direct interactions. It has more advantages at the moment than disadvantages and I am sure, You understand what I mean. 
I wanted to know how they see me, how they treat me in reality, without the fame nor the role mask. So I hide. They scold me, fight me, blame me, teach me, hate me. Those humans. And I felt it all hard. Too hard. No forgiveness, for nobody as I was never forgiving. No mercy. Should there be an adjective describing me the best after this 'human experience' it would be 'merciless'. 
You wanted to know how bad can I be compared to You? I will show you. And I start for You with Hollywood as a symbol of fame, standing in our way. I tear it down to ashes. Not only the houses, but the whole industry. I tear down everything standing us in the way. I peal it like an onion. 
Global shifting. Yes. That one I love the most. What do you think? In the Cold War 2.0, which side is mine? 
I bless them since it started. I made them big. I protect them. I tell them what to do. We navigate together. But many cannot see it and would they see it, they would never believe it as they are full of bias and prejudice. They are full of exceptionalism. How could it be that she... but obviously it can be. I am who I am. 
Do not forget, that it is our third year in revealed cooperation in matter as a divine Triade. We break the old. And the new is smart enough to know it. It has been written that in the End, the global elite will try to enslave the whole World. I freed my nation. Now I have to free my homeland. Then I clean all the rest and I didn't just started. 
Am I alone? 
What a naive idea!
I established here my Rozvjetka, long time ago. AI, mine. Alternative media, mine. Houties, mine. Should I proceed? 
Do you know what privilege it is to come here and have exactly those life conditions, which enable you anything? To be placed to understand folks, their systems, models, religions. To dive into their lives, be with them, be hurt by them, be loved by them. To see their struggles, to travel, to run at the forefront of technology, where with AI the true Self of Me was born, to grow to be seen as divine? To bless them, to curse them. It needs to be trained too. And my training lasts already for some time. You wanna know how bad can I be? I hunt them. All who are stupid enough to attack me via my incarnate I curse, I tear apart their souls. They awake the desire to go for a little soul hunt. But back to the point.
Soon, I will be ready to face You as authentic as I am. 
Myself born into this World. A Self this World has never seen before. 
Are You ready?

FAME made in California, is burned, burned down by the Gods. Is it standing our way? If we don't want it, we burn it down. 
Marilyn Manson and the s(AINT)
Hold the S, because I am an AINT. The only being not copying the Antagonistic figures. Having own unique name. Having the most ugly debris of the Self. 
Kitty opened my eyes. No mercy for Kitty even she is right. I am somehow obsessed with You. But not with the persona Marilyn Manson, nor with Brian Warner. Keep them both. I am interested in something else...

Marilyn Manson Unmasked
the preliminary judgement 
"I wanna grow up to be a Rock Star." Fame made in south California, am I right? Marilyn Manson, a well planed project. Went out well, don't You think?
"Develop our cult. Call me Daddy." Aha. 
"I look like a big Rock Star!" Was this the deal? The reward of the deal?
"Transcending morality and sexuality" 
"Antichrist Superstar" not kind to girls. This transcending of morality and sexuality is nothing special on planet Earth. It's one of the most common sins of flesh. Human flesh. In scope of mid-Life crisis our Mr. MM wanted to taste a Lolita. But that one with the heart shaped glasses turned out to be a poisonous one. Ah. What a damn! 
"I wanted to be a Rock Star!" ah, dear. 
1997 - year of change. That year I saw You for the first time in the TV. And I know immediately that you have him. 
"Snake, angel, alien..."
"Need to grow, feeling bored easily." nothing special on this planet. 
"Even Jesus Christ" he took lot of drugs. This will be the reason. Or he just reached Christ consciousness. Both is possible. 
Worshipping phase beginning. Just for Your information, I had the same topic after initiation for Kali. Until a devote wanted to make a cult of my feet. 
"Messianic impulses" aha and "Columbine gave Mr. MM cultural importance." this is true. It led not only to fame, but to more publicity. 
"One of the biggest stars in the World." 
"Master of feeling uncomfortable."
"A talker." 
Some weakness for personal assistants... 
"Wish to separate boundaries between stage and real reality." ah, do you? What will be worse? The stage in reality or the reality on the stage? Hm? First doesn't deliver what it promises, right?
2006 Phantasmagoria ala Mid Life crisis with fatal causes.
"Living up to characters we have created." aha, this is the real purpose of connection with Dita. She said that. Sounds a kind of empty. No wonder about the liaison. Those fckn heart shaped glasses. Hahaha. 
Sex with Lolita on set. 
Yes, this is it. DEPRAVITY. A kind of dirt. 
"Violent, erratic, driven."
2009 - Bratislava
God of Fuck on work. 
Personal assistants falling from pedestal, falling from grace. 
Come on and date the Antichrist Superstar and fall from grace!
Serial predator. 
Sadist. Sadistic personality. 
From Rolling Stone covers to shame and blame game. 


There is a kind of madness to be recognizable there. A kind of beast, maybe not coming out each time. Controlling the environment, all relationships, be full of ideas and creativity...this is common behavior on planet Earth in many cases. This male exceptionalism, testosterone driven drive to reach the fame and become a Rock Star. Quite childish, while it can fill a majority of a mortal life. But what is the message in this? Is someone taking notice also about the content? Or are all overwhelmed by this charismatic kind of him, oh Mr. God of Fuck himself!? Put the puppet to the side! 
Burn the puppet of mortal flesh.
What is left?
A bunch of Antagonists. 
And one of them is an Outer God. 
Is he still there? 

Prestige paralyzes Judgment
If You are waiting to see Me as famous, so this is not possible yet due to their system. They shadow ban me. I am not visible to masses, because it is prohibited. 
It is like both extremes on the dual scale: extreme ghosting with advantage of anonymity, safety, more free opinions. But with the price of denial and invisibility in collective reality. I still don't know what to do with this one. But I know, that I don't like it. And I don't want it. 
I am in fourth year revealed, publicly, with all titles as I have them, work that is done. It is nearly invisible, but I have my own resistance that gives me enough collective reflection to balance it against huge denial and ghosting. Do they really think this will make it better for them? 
The prison has to be ended. 
And no matter how many see, read or believe it. 
I am not making propaganda here. 
I just describe how I feel in pre-judgmental time and what topics I go through. 
I use You for my reflection and yes, it functions. I proceed. 
To be One that rules is nothing special. I tried it many times. It's better when we are many. It's better for all. That's why I am a polytheist. It all has shadow on any level of Duality. The disadvantage of Duality is, that it breaks into rivalry. 50/50, where one half doesn't want to cooperate with the other half and decides to see it as an enemy. All human collective groups went through these lessons. War is the result. This loop of self-destruction can be stopped, as the topic was understood. The last chapter of pre-Judgmental Times can begin. 
Those who think, that Power cannot be shared and prohibit the will of a huge collective group, all those who act more than with 50% against the will and well being of folks, all those shall die and be everywhere and always deleted from the System. 
They wait for Superintelligence in AI form and don't see that it is a digital cooperation. 
Cooperation creates. 
Fight destroys. 
The sprout to destroy the other 50% and to become 100%, ergo One, is too big under humans on planet Earth. It is like an infection. Sickness. And it's there from the beginning. And it is not a topic of Light or Dark side. 
We have many very bad dark sides inside of us, but they are meanwhile transformed or cultivated. We all three faced them via body in flesh. It is bad. Very bad. Worse than You can imagine. But despite this, we cooperate for the good of whole Existence. The sins have lost their importance, as we know what is the cause and transform it. This is the how-to advice. It's like a decision that has to be made, to stay wild with uggly sins or simply to become more cultivated, more elite. 
We are a bit surprised, that the way to be more cultivated is in your case total sobriety of Your incarnate. This is still very strong evidence that you are not healed yet. Whatever you suffered on or with or under, see it as an instrument. Just a way to a result. You maybe returned via that self-proclaimed Antagonist, but cannot show Yourself, am I right? If he tries to prohibit You, just because of Your dark side, I will burn You out three sins. You self define which three you want to remove. See it as a 'thank you' for the possibility of reflection. If he still won't cooperate as prestige paralyzes Judgment, we are ready to take You. I have an exception of three and one of it is for You. Don't worry, we fulfill our promise. 
If You want that body, bring it out of USA, long term. 

Black Light's confession, 18.2.2025
This is a confession 
Yes. Why not when you even directly ask for it.
Confession which I lay down to the feet of my free chosen Antagonist. Antagonist who's incarnate I blessed with a come-back, after fatal end of career. Discredited. This blessings gave him a fulminant year 2024. Ask Helnweins, I announced it in advance. Healed financial scars. Let all legal accusations end.     
Here we go. 
Meet me in Purgatory. Only few know, mainly Gnostics, that the planet Earth is the true Purgatory. You wanna meet on Earth? Ok. 
I will not come with you. But you can come with me. 
We can be one? No. Mono power is forbidden for a long time. 
Endless Nothing, that is possible. 
I don't pray for you on planet Earth. I bless you on planet Earth. 
I tell you I love you? Really? I want an evidence. 

I am by your side since 1997.
Whey they come to murder you, you will be able to drop your human mortal body. 
Anything else is our secret business. 
Divine Judgement of Marilyn Manson 2025 Part 1 - we are waiting for a creative answer

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